Sports Injury Doctor in Nagpur.
Abhinav Multispeciality Hopital provides the most comprehensive treatment for all types of sports injuries and other joint-related disorders. We ensure the speedy recovery of our patients and facilitate their return to regular sports activities as quickly and safely as possible. Dr. Abhinav Bhatnager is Best sports injury doctor in Nagpur. He provide advanced, comprehensive medical treatment for all sports injuries and other joint-related disorders at an affordable cost.
Sports injury refers to injury problems, defects that are result of accidentally occurs while playing sports or similar physical activity. sport Injuries like Bruises, strains, sprains, tears, and broken bones.
Sprains : Its occurs when Overstretching or tearing the ligaments.Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form joints, while tendons connect bone to muscle.

Strains : It occurs when Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons and help them to move.
Knee injuries : knee injuries occurs when Overstretching or tearing muscles or tissues in the knee. knee injuries like Fractures, Anterior Cruciate Ligament ACL , Dislocating and so on..
Swollen muscles: Swollen is natural reaction of sport injuries. sometimes its painful and sometimes its weak.
Fractures : Fractures is a break complete or partial in bones.
Contact Info
0712-2641715 / 0712-2631706
Abhinav Multispeciality Hospital
Kamal Chowk, Nagpur – 440017
Achilles tendon rupture: Achilles tendon is a powerful tendon at the back of your ankle. Sometimes During sports its break and its happen suddenly severe pain and difficulty walking. Its very pain ful and difficult to walk and do other daily life work.
Dislocations : Dislocations means bones or muscles are out of their proper placement and alignments. This can be painful and its leads to swellings and weakness and if its very big or pain full its leads to Fractures .

Prevents from Sport injuries
Use the proper technique:
before start some sport and activity learn proper way to move.
Have the proper equipment:
During sports and other activity use proper sport shoes because fitting shoes or gear can increase your risk for injury. other proper equipment.
Don’t overdo it
When you already getting pain or little injurer take a rest dont do over it, dont try to work through pain.
Dr. Abhinav Bhatnager is highly specialized doctor to treat your sports injury depend on various factors in Nagpur . He also offers best physiotherpy treatment to relieve pain and stiffness.