How is Diabetes diagnosed?

Various blood tests are available to diagnose diabetes. abstinence and 2 hours after lunch blood glucose levels are commonly done. Hb 1 Ac test can help to examine long-term control of diabetes.

What treatment do people receive for diabetes?

People with diabetes can initially handle blood sugar by changing lifestyles. diet and exercise. However, not all diabetics would control sugar by lifestyle modification but would need medication in the form of tablets Good control of diabetes is necessary to lower the risk of diabetes difficulties.

Tips for Managing Diabetes

Controlling diabetes is a challenge every day. There are so many variables to keep in memory – food, exercise, stress, general health, etc. One of the most challenging parts of diabetes management is the fact that patients have to make so many choices — every day — on their own. How many carbohydrates are in this meal? How much should I take? What changes do I need to make? Maintaining blood sugar levels in the desired range is a constant balancing act.



  • Exercise daily
  • See your Diabetologist monthly
  • Test your blood with other work-up periodically
  • Follow the diet as recommended by a nutritionist.
  • Examine the changes as we treat you
  • Mentally prepare yourself



  • Do not change medicines or stop without consulting
  • Do not miss HBA1C
  • Do not continue diet, exercise, or drugs which the body does not permit
  • Do not modify your diets on your own
  • Do not attempt to decrease weight as one may think losing weight can help them get rid of Diabetes easily.
  • Do not feel sad, it’s not just you in the whole world.